This is my Daughter and husband playing when she was around 14 months old

Just a weird little dragonfly.

This is Whitney a friend of mine right after an awesome haircut!

This was done in my first studio class as a glass assignment.

This is Elly. i was partnered with her for a portrait assignment.

I was inspired in a Popular Photography magazine to try and shoot a bubble mid pop!

This is a Bride and Groom i shot who wanted an interesting angle.

These are two very hungry alligators during a feeding.

This is Shawna, i wanted to show that she is a country girl and still elegant.

This is from a wedding i shot and i wanted to try a different twist on the ring by placing it on her shoe.

This is from another wedding i shot.

This is my good friend Alannah during a water shoot.

This is my sister in law Janine. i have always loved her hair so i wanted to emphasize the color and movement of it.

This is Alannah for a portrait assignment. i wanted to show the movement of the dress.
This is my portfolio of my first year in college. i edited and edited until i got down to my favorites. it's been a tough but fun year and hope to do even better in the year to come.